Mission Statement
In that God Himself came into the world as a man, Jesus Christ, for our salvation, we at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church welcome everyone to join us as we strive to become by grace what God is by nature.
We are called by God our Creator to worship and follow Him and to proclaim to the world His message of love, peace, and salvation. We believe in Him, and strive to know Him and abide in Him, so that by grace we might receive an eternal life of salvation from Him. We actively participate in the sacramental and prayer life of the Orthodox Catholic Church so that we may become Christ-like persons by His grace.
The Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church is part of the Orthodox Catholic Church, which is historically and dogmatically continuous with the one Church founded by Jesus Christ through his apostles. We Orthodox Christians confess in our creed that we are the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.